Your AI Sidekick: Uncovering the Potential of ChatGPT for Independent Retailers
Welcome to the Material Retail Dumps podcast. If you've listened to us before, thanks so much for coming back. If it's your first time listening, welcome Material Retail Dumps is a short form podcast with brief but valuable content for independent retailers. As business owners, we don't have time for a 30 minute lesson with a ton of banter, so we get straight to the meat of the topic and aim to give you actionable information that will help you optimize your retail operation and make more money every day. Welcome to Material Retail Dumps, episode 48. This episode's gonna be all about chat, G P T, and really we're gonna talk about why you need it, and if you're not using it yet, you gotta start using it. So, you know, hopefully this episode will be a little bit of a kick in the butt to start using it.
Just really quickly before we go into reasons why you need it, let's just talk about what chat g t is. So chat G B T is an AI chat model that you can talk to that will give you ideas. Just imagine the best, you know, assistant ever when it comes to typing and writing and, and thinking and just like giving you answers to what you need. Um, so to access chat, g p t, just go on the open AI website. You go to and just sign up for an account. It's free. You can pay $20 a month to get the better version, but you could start out with the free version just because, so you've probably heard a lot of hype around chat, G P T and uh, that hype is, is real, that hype is, is warranted. It's an amazing tool. Um, at Material we use chat, G P GT Every Day Chat.
The idea for this podcast came from chat G P T. Some of the ideas in the podcast came from Chat g pt, so if you're not using chat G P T yet, you're definitely falling behind. Maybe some of your competitors are using it, some of your vendors are using using it, some of your service providers are using it and you need to be using it because they will all have a leg up on you chat. BT takes tasks that used to take maybe hours a days, and they turn them. It, it just does it for you. For example, let's say you need to plan your holiday season promotions and you wanna host some events in your store. You want to have some promotions in your website, in your store, and normally you would have a meeting, you and your manager and your assistant manager and you know, maybe you have some friends and family and you, you do whatever you do to come up with those ideas and then you type 'em out, write 'em out, plan 'em out, do all this work.
Maybe it takes, you know, a whole bunch of hours and then all of a sudden you need some subject lines and captions for social media posts and all these different components to it. Well, or better idea, go on cha g p t tell cha g p t what you wanna do. Tell it that you want to, you know, plan your holiday promotions for the holiday 2023 season. Tell it that you wanna have different promotions for different, you know, black for different days, like Black Friday, cyber Monday, small Business Saturday, uh, 12 days of Christmas. You know, whatever you wanna do. Tell it that you wanna have three events in your store.
Tell it that you wanna have matching social media posts and it will plan everything for you. It will give you subject lines, it'll give you dates, times, um, different ideas and just, you know, it'll take again that five, six hours of work and, and get it done in minutes. And then from there you just adjust. You know, and, and you don't even have to do the adjusting. If there's something you don't like about the plan, you just tell chat g p t, Hey, I didn't like the promotion on Black Friday. Let's make it a little better. Or let's make it more about fashion. Let's make it, you know, more about the sale. Let's make it more about this, more about that, and it will do that for you. Um, a great example that I use chat g p t for in my everyday life is push notifications.
So we manage some iPhone apps and we send out push notifications to customers on those apps and we literally just use chat g p t to do it. It used to take us, you know, 10, 20 minutes each push notification. You gotta think about what you're, what you're gonna write. Instead, you just tell chat G P T, hey chat G P T, this is my promotion, can you give me a push notification? And since we've used it before for push notification chat, G B T learns from us and knows that the push notifications need to be a certain length, certain tone, certain vibe, and you know, that 10 minute task literally takes five seconds now and it turns the hardest Part of the task now is copy and pasting from chat G B T into the push messaging tool. And there's so many different things you use chat G B T for.
Um, you know, if you need to send an email to employees or to vendors or anybody thanking them for how great they are during the holiday season chat, G B T will write it for you. If you need to draft a response to an email that you got and you don't wanna write that response, maybe it's a, you know, 50 line email that you need to write back, just put the email in chat G p t and tell chat G P t Hey, draft me a response. Here's the key points I want to touch on. And it will do that for you. If you need to come up with a markdown plan for your merchandise, you know, general markdown plan about when the best time to mark down products for, you know, women's fashion clothing is, it will do, it will give you a plan.
Obviously you're not gonna listen to that plan to the T but it'll put you in the right direction. You could ask it for for reasons why I came up with those things. And, and yeah, the key here is like you, you really gotta get into the habit of using cha U B T. If you're not using chat G B T every day, you're definitely falling behind. Um, you could even if you're, you know, super busy at work and you need to still cook dinner at home every night, like instead of spending your time thinking about what you're gonna make every day for your menu, just go on chat g b t ask it to make you a menu and let it know that maybe you have a bunch of little kids at home who, you know, maybe don't want to eat Brussels sprouts but they love eating chicken fingers and foods like that.
And so cha g p t will throw you out, um, that menu and then you can let cha g p t know that you want things that are super easy to make that need, you know, very few ingredients and then they'll spit you out that menu and you can even then tell if to give you the recipes for everything on that menu. And then you're done print it out and you just made your menu and what took you a few hours and sitting down and you have that mind blank now takes minutes and chat. G b t does work for you. So anything you could think of that you wanna outsource the chat, G B t I recommend doing it. I recommend getting in the habit of doing it and, and just extremely important. So don't sleep on it. Well, thanks for listening.